Landscape Architecture Services

RIBA Plan of works

AFA have expertise to add value throughout all of the RIBA plan of work stages, from concept design to the in-depth technical aspects of Landscape Architecture. Below are details of how we work within each stage and help clients move projects seamlessly through to completion.

Stage 0-2

Landscape is becoming more of a key consideration with Urban Greening Factor (UGF) and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) having more of an impact on the end designs, thinking about landscape from the outset is key to a smooth transition through the planning process. We can help you with your outline planning proposals, looking strategically at the landscape design within the context of the wider built environment.

Stage 3

Coordinate designs with the consultant team, liaising with Architects, Engineers, Ecologists and Arboriculturists to ensure that the concept is developed into a practical buildable scheme. We can provide detailed planting plans, hard and soft landscape plans, play area design, maintenance plans and UGF calculations for the discharge of planning conditions. Also, ecological design to help meet BNG targets and UGF requirements.

Stage 4

Develop the landscape proposals, continuing the coordination with the consultant team to produce a landscape package which is practical, designed to a high standard and cost effective to meet your budget. Making sure all the materials and correct standards are met, including Building Regulations, British Standards and more. Bringing together the levels, drainage including Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS), and coordination with services, buildings and ecology to make sure the landscape functions.

Stage 5

Continuing to develop the landscape proposals throughout the construction process, tailoring details to site specifics and making site visits to check the implementation. Changes are always required to meet specific site conditions, further requests from planning or client instructions. The budget is always a consideration with changing material prices or availability sometimes requiring last minute adjustments.

Stage 6

Providing an updated set of as-built drawings is key for a smooth handover and to provide the required information for the health and safety file or site management plan.

Stage 7

In-use, provide advice on the long-term maintenance of the landscape scheme including; play area inspections, planting design and management, irrigation systems. We can help you with your outline planning proposals, looking strategically at the landscape design within the context of the wider built environment.

Landscape Architecture

  • Conceptual design
  • Planning applications
  • Discharge of planning conditions
  • Full planting plans with schedule of sizes
  • Play area design
  • Urban design
  • Roof terraces and podiums
  • Garden design
  • Tender packages
  • Construction details
  • NBS Specifications
  • Designing to budget and value engineering
  • Coordination with consultant team
  • Maintenance and management plans

We can also commission:
  • Revit modelling
  • BIM coordination services


  • Tree surveys to BS 5837:2012
  • Review landscape / architectural designs in relation to trees
  • Arboricultural impact assessments
  • Arboricultural method statements
  • Advice on trees in planning

We can also commission:
  • Tree risk assessments
  • Tree risk management strategies
  • TPO advice and applications


  • Designs for wildlife
  • Habitat creation schemes
  • Habitat area plans to inform biodiversity net gain calculations
  • Urban greening factor calculations
  • Design of biodiverse green roofs
  • Pond and lake concept design
  • Habitat management advice

We can also commission:
  • Phase I habitat surveys
  • Ecology reports for planning
  • Protected species surveys
  • Landscape and ecological management plans
  • Technical design of ponds and lakes