• 09.03.2019
  • News:, All


Landscape Friends –

I need your help! #landscapeforfuture is a campaign for landscape architects who want to show solidarity with the young people who are taking part in strikes across the world.

We are in the fantastic position of having skills and knowledge that support the development of a greener future.

There is a global strike on Friday 29th May and I would really like to get some pictures of wonderful, sustainable, green landscape projects – any scale, any purpose – to show our support and illustrate what a sustainable future could look like. 1.5 million people took part last time, this time it could be huge!

I really think this the chance to change the direction things are going in and also promote our wonderful profession.

I’m sure you have seen in the news the rising wordwide temperatures, melting ice caps, forest fires and droughts. And you’ve probably heard of Greta Thunberg the 16 year old activist who has inspired young people from around the world. The UN suggests we only have 11 years in which to turn this around and avoid the most devastating impacts of climate change.

Would you like to help??

Send or post a picture* of one of your projects which is cool, green and eco in some way, add #landscapeforfuture and/or our logo to your image and a message of support to #climatestrike. Either email them to me or tweet them with the tag @land4future_uk and I will re-post them on twitter and add them to our instagram feed.

Thank you!!




*make sure you have copyright/permission etc
